Q:Are the items brand New?
A:Yes,We promise that all the items are 100% brand new.

Q:Are the items safe during shipping?
A:Yes,all the items will be well packed to protect them.

Q:Does the price include shipping cost?
A:Yes,we offer global free shipping,shipping cost included.

Q:Does the price include customs tax or vat?
A:No,the price don’t inlude any customs tax or vat.But if you have any requirments for the declared value,please send email to let’s know,thanks.

Q:Is there a return policy?
A:We support returns or exchanges. Handling depends on the situation.The specific details are in Refund Policy.

Q:How long will it take to receive the items?
A:All orders  usually will be shipped within 3 working days, it will arrive in 7 -25 days.The specific details are in Shipping Policy.

Q:Where can I track my order?
A:You can go to your account and track it from the ORDERS easily.

Q:Why can’t I receive the email from you?
A:It may go to spam,please check again,any further problem,please send email to us.

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